Baby Baby / by Katie Brightbill

It's been a really rainy couple weeks around here. We tried to get out and explore the city whenever there were breaks in the rain- even when there weren't- because two kids + rain + indoors all day = three bad temperaments. Sometimes I think I'm a bit crazy with what I try to tackle on my own, but it's the moments when I'm lugging two heavy grocery bags, one girl in a stroller and one holding an umbrella next to me, going across the city on a bus... thirty minutes away from nap time- that I feel as though something is really being accomplished here. Yes, maybe the kids are hungry, maybe they're even whining, but we're having adventures, you know? We're making memories! Beats a day in a stuffy house watching Curious George anytime... but don't get me wrong- that's definitely been happening too.

Christmas is about here and we got our gift early... well technically late, but early for Christmas: my sister gave birth to a darling little perfect baby yesterday!! I mean, she is gorgeous. I will be sharing pictures here, but we want all the family to see her in real life before plastering her prettiness all over the www, so you get to just see a pic of me holding her instead. I'm in LOVE... again (and I have baby fever that's going to have to cure itself...)!

