A Little Cheer / by Katie Brightbill

There's a lot to buy this season... a lot to give. There are people who receive a lot, and people who receive very little. We did a little craft/project this week to give a little gift to two people in need. We haven't met them yet, but we have little gifts ready for when we do.

We saved two oatmeal canisters. Sophie painted paper and we covered one container with that, (gluing with mod-podge) and the other I wrapped with basic wrapping paper. We always take the little extra samples of soaps and lotions from traveling, so we put those inside, and a pair of socks, some bandaids, and any little gifts we could find around. Added a bow and a little note that said Merry Christmas!

Today we are going to give these basic little gifts to homeless neighbors to bring a little smile to them this Christmas. Such a simple way to give.

