Home: On Glitter Guide / by Kate Brightbill


Last fall, two weeks after Jack was born, I received an email from Glitter Guide: "we'd like to feature your home on Glitter Guide..."

Deep in the trenches of sleep deprivation and feeble attempts at juggling three children... I obviously responded immediately with a resounding YES. These opportunities don't just come around every day!! Photography of my newborn and our home sweet home is such a special gift (not to mention the complete honor it is to have it featured on such an inspiring site!).

I won't pretend I wasn't in panic mode about being photographed while I was still attempting to fit my pre-pregnancy jeans (nope, didn't make it into those by the shoot date, haha!), or about the fact that my clothing was either wayyy too big or wayyy too small for me. I had this great opportunity and I planned to 100% carpe diem this. 

SO. Our home and our family are featured in Glitter Guide's December archives if you'd like to take a look!! Photography is all by my sweet friend Sarah from Modern Kids Photography. Her talent is such a gift. It's amazing to have professional photos of the place we call home sweet home. It's a snapshot of our day-to-day, except in an extra pretty and clean state! Where are the scraps of paper and loose crayons under our dining room table, and the laundry being folded in my living room? HA. Nowhere to be found! Everything is immaculate here, all the time! ;) 


And ahhh, my tiny boy!! He's growing so fast and I'm just in love with the sweet baby shots of him!


So thankful for the feature and for the photography. Pop over to Glitter Guide for all the resources, an interview, and for MORE pictures!

xoxo, Kate