Back to School Blending / by Kate Brightbill

Bella Blender (c/o) with Greek Yogurt Strawberry Lime Smoothie

Bella Blender (c/o) with Greek Yogurt Strawberry Lime Smoothie

After school snacks. Ohhh, Sophie comes home hungry every day... by this time I've expended energy making breakfast, packing lunch, making lunch for Maggie, and now I'm definitely expected to make a snack for both growing kids as well. 3pm is not my most creative time of day, let me tell you!

Can I simply offer a bag of kettle chips, some crackers, or cheese sticks? Of course!! Do I? Of course I do sometimes! But I don't want junk food to be the norm- for myself or for my children. While pregnant, I find I especially need to watch my food intake and be sure that what I'm putting into my body is going to be full of vitamins and goodness. 

The girls and I decided that once per week we will make our go-to snack a nutritious smoothie. We got a new blender recently that makes the process so simple. I blend veggies, I blend fruit, I blend with juices but try not to depend on them too much. My new go-to recipe is insanely good, and the way I discovered it? Simply using what we had handy in the house to make it! I'm a big fan of just sticking to what's in the house, as opposed to running to the store for ingredients. That's the beauty of smoothies.

Want to try my recipe? YES. I know you do: 

  • Frozen Strawberries
  • A squeeze of lime
  • Greek Yogurt (ours was Vanilla flavored)
  • If you need it sweeter, add some honey, more tart, add more lime

Super complex, right? Blend that right up, and then wish you had tripled the recipe so you could keep the taste buds happy for longer. 

The right blender can make a huge difference!! I finally donated my old blender recently. It worked, but it worked so slowly!! I avoided all blending for ages because of all the pieces and cleaning involved. I got a Bella Rocket Extractor pro-plus as a replacement to my old blender, and it has changed the way I feel about blending. It's not complex as so many blenders are (twist this to that and the extra pieces between, ugh!), and one of the key reasons I love it is that it maintains the nutrients that are normally lost in juicing. We don't want to cut out the good stuff when we blend!! 

Strawberry Lime Smoothie

And now, I'll confess. While writing about my new nutritious smoothie-making habits, I am being teased mercilessly by my husband because I couldn't help but make one to sip RIGHT NOW. Ahhh, yes.

It tastes just as good at 8pm as it does at 3pm. ;)


Our Bella blender was provided for review- thank you Bella! We've had it only a few weeks and have made smoothies & shaved ice about 15x, seriously. My heartburn has been so thankful for the cooling effects of blended ice! All this to say: all opinions are my own... I say I love this blender and I mean it, haha! xx.

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